Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Hey Everybody,
First let me say I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know it's December and I am just now putting my Pumpkin Patch pictures on, but to say it has been crazy around our house is to say the least. We spent the entire week of Thanksgiving break in the house and the only time we got out was to go to the Doctor's office 3 different times. We ended up with an ear infections and had to get a shot. Poor Baby and if that was not enough on Thanksgiving day we went to the Emergency room, my mother and I were swinging her by her hands and I pulled her elbow out of socket. (So for a little bit of advice don't ever do this, you will feel like the worst parent EVER!!!!!!!) She had Nurse Maid's Elbow and the doctor turned her wrist and pushed her arm toward her chest and it was back in socket, but I still felt terrible. I am extremely THANKFUL for all the blessin in my life.

I never go to bed at night without thanking God for giving Isabella to me. You know when you pray for something so long and then you finally get it, you still have to remember to say Thank You. So that is how I start my prayers off each night. THANK YOU JESUS FOR ISABELLA!!!

She had fun at the pumpkin patch. She liked to look and play with the pumpkins this year, last year she just wanted to watch the cars go by on the interstate.

Hey, What's this? The tunnel of Hay!!!

I wonder can I make it to the other end without getting my dress dirty?

This one looks good. I'll just carry it to the car for Mommy.

But first, let me take a picture with her.

I found a really good seat and a cute little pumpkin to hold.

Thanks Ta Ta for taking all the pictures. WE love you!!!

I will always be a # 1 Aunt, so let me do just a little bit of bragging on my neice Savannah. She is so unbelievablely talented. She drew this picture in her Gifted and Talented Art class.

And she painted this picture. It sits on my sister's mantel. It is like a 16 x 20. SOOOOO SOOO pretty. Savannah you rock. Oh by the way Where is the best Aunt in the whole entire world's picture? Hum Tell me that!! Well I guess Christmas is coming up. I will be waiting.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and remember to always stop and say Thank You, especially to the people who mean the most to you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Little Red Riding Hood

Hey Everybody, It's been awhile since Halloween, but I still wanted to let you see what our little Angel was this year. She was Little Red Riding Hood and the cutest one ever, I might add. She loved her outfit and her basket especially when it was full!!!!! We could not get her to smile for anything. She couldn't quite figure out what was really going on.
Can you see the pigtails in back?
I'm not sure what this expression was about, but of course I thought it was cute. She knows how to give some looks!!!

Her sweet Daddy took off from the Fire Station (actually paid BIG BUCKS!!!) to be off with us on the 2nd Trick or Treating adventure. He can't even remember what he was for Halloween when he was growing up, but at least he got to go with little Miss. Hood.

She had the most fun putting acorns in her basket until she realized you just walk up to people's door and they give you candy!!!

This is Isabella with her cousin Macey and she was a cute cute Clown.

Here is Isabella with 2 more cousins. Savannah was Cindy Loo Woo from the Grinch and Abbey was a Cheetah Diva. This was the house that Isabella went to the door twice to get more candy. She figured it out pretty quick.
And to round out the cousins, this is Cam and I'm not sure who he was, sadly I'm not up on my action figures!! Sorry Cam!!

This is Fairy Kristen give me lots and lots of LOOT!!!!

I love this picture of my neice Savannah with Bella. She is so good with her. She is going to be a good little Mommy one day.

Hey Mom, Look at all the candy she's giving me!!!!!

And the last house we ended up at was my parents and of course Poppie filled my basket up.

After we left my parent's house we all headed to church to the Fall Festival. Isabella liked the fishing game.
Riding the Barrell Train with Mommy was lots of fun!!!!

Notice Isabella chewing on her fingure, not because I let her have to much candy, but because she is teething. We don't even have enough teeth to eat candy. Well I guess Mommy and Daddy will have to eat it. And that concludes our Halloween night. She enjoyed everybit of it and there were no wolves out. Yeah!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First day of School !!!!

Well to say my post tonight is slightly out of order is to say the least. I picked my pictures in the order I wanted to show you and then they all came out backwards. O well bare with me. We have had some changes in our life in the last few days. I had said a little prayer about doing something to make a little bit of money and get Isabella around some children to play with. Well God heard my little bitty teeny tiny prayer and I have a job all in the matter of one weekend. A friend emailed me and asked if I knew anyone or would " I " be interested in a job at Mommy's day out at Cedar Crest Baptist church. Well after I scraped my jaw off the floor I told her I would think about it. Well it just seemed like the perfect job for me and my Bella. We go on Tuesday and Thursdays from 8:30 to 1:30. I am teaching the 2 year old class. I started this past Tuesday and it was different but fun. It has been awhile since I was in the classroom but this is so layed back and anything goes, so I know I will enjoy it very much. Isabella did very well, but that was probably because she was with me. We are going to try to get her to go to the younger class, but I do have to say she did everything the big "2" year olds did. I was so proud.
Let me give a plug for my sister Tonya's new booth at Bayou Crafters in West Monroe. She just open her booth and she will be selling the most adorable little girls clothes. Isabella is modeling one of her outfits. They are all so cute. She has other things in her booth like diaper bags, bow holders, and pillows with cute pillow cases. So go see what she has and tell your friends.
This in our backyard in her cute outfit.

These are Monster cupcakes I made with my neice, nephew, and Isabella Sunday night. We had so much fun making these. They were so easy everybody should do this with there kids. All we did was put out a bunch of candy and they created any and everything.

Isabella's favorite part was the icing, can you tell?

My neice Savannah wanted to put Isabella's hair into pigtails and I have to say it was toooo cute!

The best my fridge has every looked. Tons of pictures of my sweet angel and look at the artwork she did on her first day of school. I was proud she did just what the other kids did, with not much help from me.

Eating her lunch like a big girl.

Boy did she have fun with the shaving cream. And yes it was everywhere but it was a blast.

This is outside her class with her lunch box (Thanks Ta Ta for getting it for me) and her backpack.

This is when we got ready to leave for school. I was running around trying to get everything ready to leave. I have never had to get up and have diaper bag, backpack, and 2 lunches packed and be out the door by 8:00 and of course she wanted to be no where but on my hip. She has never been as clingy as she was this morning. I think she knew we were going to do something new and different or maybe she just didn't like being up this early. Ha ha!! Even though she was a big girl today I thought she still looked like a baby with that Pa Pa in her mouth, which of course made me sad and happy all at once. She was 18 months old on Monday and going to Mommy's Day Out (School) on Tuesday. Life sure flies by. Hope everyone slows down and does something fun with there kids. This time of year can get so hectic, make sure and do some fun things too. Have a blessed day!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What we've been up to!!!!!!!!!!

I have not posted in awhile and now I have recent pictures. I am not good with computers and I have just learned for the second time how to get my pictures from my camera to the computer. Oh and I just learned how to put more than 5 pictures on at a time. ( all you have to do is the same thing you did the first time!! Not real hard but for the computer dummy it was)YEAH ME!!! So I have gone a little overboard and put lots of pictures on this page, but when you have the prettiest baby in the world you can't help but show her off. I just can't help myself. SHe loves trying on all my hats.(Back in the day and occasionally now I wore hats) and nothing goes better with a hat than a pacifer, which she calls her Paa Paa.
We went to the fair on Friday night. Ryan's first time in yearrrrrrsssss. He said it seemed alot smaller. (Maybe because he's alot bigger) We both rode the slide in the background. She liked it
OF course we rode the carousel!!
Look at us fly by!!
Look Daddy at the ring of fire!!!
With all the rain we have gotten lately you got to have your rain boots on.
Isabella eating crackers and dip with her Great Grandmother.
Getting her hair Did!!!! Could she be any cuter!!
Did yall know that Chili's has the best ranch ever!!! I shared mine with Ta Ta and Uncle Jon.
This might be one of my favorite pictures so far. Sunday after church at my Mom's house.
The show What not the Wear might have a problem with this outfit. Pink sunglasess, plaid sundress and Camo boots, What's not to like?????

Hurricane Gustav came through and spoke at our house, He said we didn't need the tree in our back yard anymore, soooooooooooo he took it down for us. How kind of him not to hurt the fence. Luckly it fell that way, if it had fallen on the house if would have gotten Isabella, Tater and myself. Thank You Jesus!!!!
Not raining anymore but the rain boots do make such a fashion statement!!!
They are a must when you go mud diggin on Daddy's new TOY!!!!!!!
OH Hey Mom let me pose like a super Model !!!

This is how Ryan eats his ice cream everytime. HE always has help from two little ones.

Daddy takes me ridin everyday and Tater likes it too!!!
We make Ta ride in the back!!
Another day, Another Hat!!!
And last but not least the Cutest Little Angel in the whole world!!!
Hope everyone has a good week!!!!!!!